Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween 2009!

The kids had a great Halloween. Abby was Cleopatra, Ethan was Buzz Lightyear and Aaron was a peapod. Being the first real Halloween that Ethan got the concept of knocking on doors and getting candy was great. He was nervous at first, but once he saw the reward...he was totally into it. Aaron slept thru a majority of the trick or treating, but I think most little ones do. We saw lots of fun costumes that night and it is truly great to see the fun all the kids are having...but leave it to some punk kids to ruin it for others. Like the ones that came at the end of the night and decided to smash Abby and Ethan's pumpkins...OY! But still...all in all it was a great night that we spent together including Pam and Larry (Bob's mom and stepdad).

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