Monday, December 21, 2009

Friday, December 18, 2009

Friday, December 11, 2009

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Abby Xmas List

Ahhh...she was so little then! But her cuteness has never faded away. Abby wrote a long, but good Christmas List this year and I will post it for her own words (and spelling).

Abigail Rose Westons Crismas List

1. A Bunny Stuft Animal (one from the Build a Bear Workshop)
2. A Telliscope
3. Ice Skates
4. Roller Blades
5. A Hamster - no to this one
6. A Flewt
7. A Sowing Kit
8. A Aryle Costoom
9. The Pricess and the Frog movie
10. A TV - no to this one
11. A DVD Player - no to this one
12. A Sine that says, Keep OUT!
13. (she crossed out "to be on the good list")
14. A Campout Kit
First Ade Kit
A Camping Sleeping Bag
15. Easy Bake Oven - no to this one...she had one before
16. An Art Kit
17. A Wooden Rocking Chair
18. A New Book Case
19. A New Lamp that has the Jonas Brothers on it
20. A Muice Box
21. A Docters Kit
22. Hanana Montana Hihg Heel Shoes
23. A Picter Frame with Roses on it
24. A New 1 peice Bathing Soot
25. A New Crismas Dress
26. A New Working Clock that has Demmy Lovoto on it

If you can't figure out what she is saying, let me know and I will translate. If you do decide to get her something from the list, please post a comment so others will know you are getting it and their won't be the problem of duplicates. Thanks!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween 2009!

The kids had a great Halloween. Abby was Cleopatra, Ethan was Buzz Lightyear and Aaron was a peapod. Being the first real Halloween that Ethan got the concept of knocking on doors and getting candy was great. He was nervous at first, but once he saw the reward...he was totally into it. Aaron slept thru a majority of the trick or treating, but I think most little ones do. We saw lots of fun costumes that night and it is truly great to see the fun all the kids are having...but leave it to some punk kids to ruin it for others. Like the ones that came at the end of the night and decided to smash Abby and Ethan's pumpkins...OY! But still...all in all it was a great night that we spent together including Pam and Larry (Bob's mom and stepdad).

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Halloween Mason Jar Candle Luminaries

OK...I felt a crafty itch. I saw this idea on a website and thought...heck I can do that. They are Mason Jar Luminaries. I did a Halloween theme. I may do more and change the themes up for Christmas. You can put candles in them or candy...or whatever you feel like. When I was at Michael's getting the supplies this afternoon, I was flooded with different ideas of what I could do. The wheels are turning...squeaking...but turning. :)

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Our Best Bites: Crafty in the Kitchen: Mason Jar Lanterns

Our Best Bites: Crafty in the Kitchen: Mason Jar Lanterns

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Bishop Pumpkin Farm!

Ethan cheesing it up sitting on a big pumpkin at the Bishop Pumpkin Farm. He had such a great time there. Got to ride the train which was his big thing. We will definitely be going back there next year.

Bishop Pumpkin Farm!

Here's my pretty girl. Teeth missing and all...LOL!

Bishop Pumpkin Farm!

Abby & Ethan getting excited in the car on the car ride to Bishop Pumpkin Farm in Wheatland. Ethan was all about the trains...the boy has a one-track mind sometimes. Bummed that we had to take the car...I noticed 2 gashes in one of my tires on the van yesterday. So seeing that my van is gimpy on a long trips in it until the tire gets fixed on Tuesday.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Early Halloween Preview

Here is Aaron's costume...he is SO stinking cute! I will post Ethan and Abby's later.


Earlier this month we got a fabulous visit in with my Great Aunt & Uncle from New York. They were here on a visit. Haven't seen them in a few years so it was great to catch up. My Uncle Jack is my grandmother's younger brother. He and my Aunt Diane were also celebrating their 55th Wedding Anniversary...I hope Bob and I are so lucky! Here are some pics from their visit (thanks Dad!).

Mom & Ethan

Uncle Jack, Mom & Aunt Diane

Uncle Jack & Aunt Diane

Time Flies!

Time if going by SO fast...has it been a month since my last post?

Well...let's see if I can remember what happened.

Abby got her first pair of glasses. She only needs them for reading, but still, she looks so darn cute in them.

She has also lost both of her front teeth...which makes eating corn on the cob interesting for her. She is doing fabulously in school and was awarded "Student of the Month". She does make us SUPER proud...even on the days when listening is a challenge for her. :)

Ethan is growing fast and is still my super skinny little man. I tell ya, Aaron will out weigh him soon. He is just SO active that he burns right thru whatever he eats. Poor boy is getting over a cold...I'll be happy when all the snot is gone. Nothing like kids with crusty noses...EW!!

Aaron is growing by leaps and bounds. He had his 4 month appt last Friday with the doctor and he is doing very well. He is currently 16 lbs. and in the 69th percentile for his weight...78th percentile for length and 85th percentile for his big ole noggin. His doctor told me to go ahead and stop his night time feedings which I am looking forward to, but then again I am not. I will be happy for him to sleep all thru the night, but nervous about what it will do to my milk production. He is still exclusively bottles. Nor will he take a bottle if you try to give him one. He will just turn his nose to it. Which makes it fun to try and leave him with anyone if Bob and I want to go out on a date. I am very proud of myself for making it this far with nursing. With Abby and Ethan I only made it 2 months with them...working and nursing makes it hard. We are also currently moving Aaron over to his crib from the bassinet. He fits head to toe in the bassinet right now, so he needed to be moved. Bad thing is the bassinet is in our room and the crib is in the room he and Ethan will be sharing. Since Aaron still doesn't sleep thru the night, it will make things interesting. So, we decided to move Ethan in with Abby temporarily until we get Aaron on a better sleeping schedule. We are starting to ween his night feedings and teaching him how to self sooth so if he wakes up in the middle of the night, he can put himself back to sleep. Wouldn't be that big of a deal like it was with Abby or Ethan if he was going in his own room vs. sharing a room. I am looking forward to the day he sleeps thru the night and all is "normal" again. I miss sleeping thru the night.

Bob is doing well...busy as always. I feel for him with all he does. He just had a real estate closing about 2 weeks ago and still has 2 more in escrow and 1 more buyer looking. So he is a busy beaver. Which unfortunately leaves us only seeing him in the evenings and part of the weekends. But when we do, we have some fabulous times.

I am doing well...even with lack of sleep. I think my body and mind are used to it by now. Maybe when the kids are moved out I will sleep...

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Aaron is now 3 months old!

Can't believe Aaron is now 3 months old! He started rolling over last month and gets pissy every time he rolls onto his belly. Gotta figure out how to roll back. He smiles now and laughs! I love this part when they start to come into their own personalities!

An Afternoon of Fun

Took the kiddies to Fairytale Town this afternoon and had fun in the heat. It's nice now because Ethan can do pretty much everything on his own. Poor Aaron was a little warm and I ended up stripping him down to his diaper to keep cool. Abby had today off from school for a lovely teacher in-service day.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Vacation or No Vacation

Bob is supposed to be taking this week off for vacation from his AT&T job. I would LOVE to have him not work completely, but realistically I know that isn't possible with him. Even when we do go away for vacation, he is still working in some way or another. I do hope he takes some time to relax...he needs it.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

First At Home Haircut

Well...I think I did a pretty decent job at clipping his hair for the first time. No bald chunks of hair. He did squirm seriously at first, but them I bribed him with a toy to hold and 4 M&M's. :)

Sunday, August 16, 2009

My brother's in town!

My brother and sister-in-law are in town! Jon called me last night to surprise us that they drove down with my dad from Seattle. They will be here until Friday. We had them over for breakfast this morning and they got to see the kiddies. It was very fun and great to see them both...especially since we haven't seen them since last year in June when we all went camping in Oregon.

Saturday, August 15, 2009


Aaron's personality is starting to slowly come out. He is starting to be awake more than he is asleep during the day time. I still feel like I am feeding him every 2 hours. I'll keep it up for as long as I can. Luckily solid foods will be introduced in a month, so that will help ease the 2 hour feedings. I would just love for him to start sleeping more thru the night. Talked with Bob about when we want to move him into his crib vs. being in the bassinet in our room. Wouldn't be an issue if was going to have his own room, but he is going to be sharing a room with Ethan. And with him waking 2-3 times at night still, I don't want him to disrupt Ethan's sleep. Sooooo....we may just have to keep him in our room until solids are introduced and he starts sleeping more solidly thru the night. Joy.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Me & My E-Man

Ethan has been having fun with pictures lately...he says cheese, but always wants to see the pics before you take them. I think he gets it now, you have to say cheese and then you get the pic.

Date Night

Bob and I got a much needed date night tonight (courtesy of my mom). Just dinner, but that time away was very nice. It's funny can be away from your kids and still feel the urge to talk about them.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Roll Me Over!

Aaron has learned how to roll himself from his back to his belly! I tell you...this boy is a genius! Though he isn't too thrilled with things once he makes it on his belly. LOL!

Abby's 1st Day of 2nd Grade!

All went well dropping her off. Though I heard the countdown from her every 5 minutes from like 8AM until 10AM when we left. She was excited. Her teacher, Mrs. Harms, seems very nice. It was fun to see all her friends again and their parents. Is it just me or do the kindergardeners look really small. Here's a pic of Abby dressed to impress...and with her luggage (aka...backpack and lunchbag).

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Abby's Excited!

Abby is excited...tomorrow is her first day of 2nd grade. Her new teacher is Mrs. Harms. We weren't able to meet her yesterday at the school's ice cream social (she had a family emergency), so we will have to wait and meet her tomorrow morning. But we have been told by other school employees that Abby got the best 2nd grade teacher at the school. So that makes me feel good. I hope she enjoys her 1st day and makes some new friends. I know she will...

Back to the Blog

It's been a while, but I figured it was time to get back to the family blog. Hope all is well with everyone and I will keep the family updates and pics for everyone here. I realize that not everyone has Facebook, so for those who don' can check here for family updates.