Sunday, August 23, 2009

Vacation or No Vacation

Bob is supposed to be taking this week off for vacation from his AT&T job. I would LOVE to have him not work completely, but realistically I know that isn't possible with him. Even when we do go away for vacation, he is still working in some way or another. I do hope he takes some time to relax...he needs it.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

First At Home Haircut

Well...I think I did a pretty decent job at clipping his hair for the first time. No bald chunks of hair. He did squirm seriously at first, but them I bribed him with a toy to hold and 4 M&M's. :)

Sunday, August 16, 2009

My brother's in town!

My brother and sister-in-law are in town! Jon called me last night to surprise us that they drove down with my dad from Seattle. They will be here until Friday. We had them over for breakfast this morning and they got to see the kiddies. It was very fun and great to see them both...especially since we haven't seen them since last year in June when we all went camping in Oregon.

Saturday, August 15, 2009


Aaron's personality is starting to slowly come out. He is starting to be awake more than he is asleep during the day time. I still feel like I am feeding him every 2 hours. I'll keep it up for as long as I can. Luckily solid foods will be introduced in a month, so that will help ease the 2 hour feedings. I would just love for him to start sleeping more thru the night. Talked with Bob about when we want to move him into his crib vs. being in the bassinet in our room. Wouldn't be an issue if was going to have his own room, but he is going to be sharing a room with Ethan. And with him waking 2-3 times at night still, I don't want him to disrupt Ethan's sleep. Sooooo....we may just have to keep him in our room until solids are introduced and he starts sleeping more solidly thru the night. Joy.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Me & My E-Man

Ethan has been having fun with pictures lately...he says cheese, but always wants to see the pics before you take them. I think he gets it now, you have to say cheese and then you get the pic.

Date Night

Bob and I got a much needed date night tonight (courtesy of my mom). Just dinner, but that time away was very nice. It's funny can be away from your kids and still feel the urge to talk about them.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Roll Me Over!

Aaron has learned how to roll himself from his back to his belly! I tell you...this boy is a genius! Though he isn't too thrilled with things once he makes it on his belly. LOL!

Abby's 1st Day of 2nd Grade!

All went well dropping her off. Though I heard the countdown from her every 5 minutes from like 8AM until 10AM when we left. She was excited. Her teacher, Mrs. Harms, seems very nice. It was fun to see all her friends again and their parents. Is it just me or do the kindergardeners look really small. Here's a pic of Abby dressed to impress...and with her luggage (aka...backpack and lunchbag).

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Abby's Excited!

Abby is excited...tomorrow is her first day of 2nd grade. Her new teacher is Mrs. Harms. We weren't able to meet her yesterday at the school's ice cream social (she had a family emergency), so we will have to wait and meet her tomorrow morning. But we have been told by other school employees that Abby got the best 2nd grade teacher at the school. So that makes me feel good. I hope she enjoys her 1st day and makes some new friends. I know she will...

Back to the Blog

It's been a while, but I figured it was time to get back to the family blog. Hope all is well with everyone and I will keep the family updates and pics for everyone here. I realize that not everyone has Facebook, so for those who don' can check here for family updates.