Tuesday, April 27, 2010

April's Update

Can't believe April is almost over already! This year has gone by so fast. Let's see...we started the month off with Abby's Spring Break from school. We had some rainy days that week, so we ventured to some museums where we could. Abby started basketball back on the 10th and really likes it. It's an instructional course for girls 1st-3rd grade teaching them the fundamentals of basketball. When Abby is in 3rd grade next year she can join the girl's league team. She is excited about this. All the girls are fun to watch. They just started playing scrimage games this last weekend. Abby is having a lot of fun with her girl scout troop. We switched troops a little over a month ago and she is liking this new troop much better. All the girls go to her school vs. the other one, they all went to a different school.

Ethan is looking older and bigger to me these days. I think he is going thru a growing spurt. I look at pics from him this time last year and he looked like a baby still. Now he looks like a little man. We are still working on the potty training. He knows how to pee in the potty, but doesn't seem to want to give pooping a try. I remember we had issues with Abby too on that subject. I would love to get him completely out of the training pants, but what can you do. They will move at their own pace.

Aaron is walking at full speed. He loves his new found freedom with walking vs. crawling. I just noticed today that he has his 2nd top front tooth coming in. That will make 5 teeth. His teeth are coming in a lot slower than the other two kids. I think they both almost had a mouth full of teeth by the time they turned 1. Hard to believe little man will be 1 in just about a month's time. This last year went by SOOOOO flippin fast. I guess with 3 kids, time goes into warp speed. Bob and I were talking about the fact that Abby's life at home with us is about half over already before she leaves and goes to college. How did that happen? I feel blessed though...I look at some friends on Facebook and they have teenagers already, I think I will stick with my babies. I couldn't imagine having a teenager...I will need to find some serious patience! HAHA.

Less than 2 months left before we go on vacation. Can't wait!! We are going for 2 weeks to Harris Beach on the Southern Coast of Oregon. We will be camping with my parents and my Aunt and Uncle from Washington. I believe my brother and sister-in-law will be joining up for a long weekend, as well as possibly my mother & father-in-law. We have lots of fun camping with everyone. It will be nice to just be away and relax.....

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Ethan Rocking It!

Ethan loves this pink guitar of Abby's - he loves rocking out to it.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Aaron Walking!!

Aaron turned 10 months old on April 3rd and has been walking ever since...getting better and better every day! Here is a little video of him.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Easter Bunny 2010

We made it to see the Easter Bunny today. I was so happy that neither of the boys were freaked out by him, which made my afternoon better. Can't believe Easter is Sunday....before you know it school will be out and we will be celebrating all three kid's birthdays this summer!! OY!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Status Updates

It been a while for any updates here. So here it goes...

Abby is doing fabulous at school. Got her report card in this month for the 2nd trimester and she got nearly all A's. I think there were one or two B's in the mix. We couldn't be more proud of her. Her reading is far above average for her grade level. I am so happy that she loves to read. She decided to forego softball this year and try something new, so we signed her up for basketball. There is a basketball camp for girls 1st-3rd grade that starts April 10th that she will be attending. Not sure how well my shorty girl will be, but I am sure she will love it either way.

Ethan is growing like a weed. He is starting to talk more and more and is becoming a lot easier to understand what he is saying. He is such a lovable kid...he is my snuggler. He is finally starting to put on a little more weight which makes me happy. He likely will be a tall skinny boy, but today when I weighed him he is now 29 lbs. A few months ago he was 26.5 lbs...so this is progress for him. He attends a friend's in house child care twice a week for a couple hours and is loving it. It's good for him to have some time away from momma and get those social skills working. Hard to believe he will be 3 this summer. Goes by so stinking fast!

Aaron is getting so big. He will be 10 months old in 3 days! He is on the verge of walking any day. He gets daring and will take steps on his own here and there. Cracks me up watching little ones learning to walk...reminds me of monkeys walking with the arms up in the air. My chunky monkey has one heck of an appetite. Not much of anything he won't eat. He is currently 21 lbs. He's a nice solid little man. His 4th tooth (his first top tooth) is currently coming in...he's had a 4 month dry spell since his last tooth came in. Will start weening him from nursing in April...not sure how that will go (never had to ween a baby before), so we will see how long it takes. I'd like to have him weened completely by the middle of June when we go camping.

As for Bob...poor guy works too darn hard. I will be VERY happy to see him take a much needed vacation in June, but I know it can't come soon enough. He's doing very well with his real estate this year. I think he currently has 4-5 buyers currently looking for properties. Not bad for a part time agent. For me, I am plugging away...taking care of the kids and Bob is the best job I could have ever taken...even if there is no pay, vacation or sick time. They are my love!

Ethan being tortured by Momma

Monday, February 1, 2010

Aaron Giggling

Was playing with Aaron while he was having a snack. I love that laugh!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Aaron Crawling

Here is a little video of Aaron crawling. He is all over the place these days. He pulls himself up on everything he can and cruises along the couch. I have a feeling he will be walking by 10 months old if not sooner. He's got to keep up with the others.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Aaron is 7 Months Old!

Can't believe Aaron is 7 months old already...where has time gone? He is already starting to crawl around. If he wants something, he finds a way to get to it...whether on his hands and knees or army crawling it. He still only has 2 teeth, but I think more are getting ready to sprout through. He is such a good eater. He definitely loves his food. Last time I weighed his a week ago, he was at 19 lbs. He's about 3-4 lbs. heavier than Ethan was at this age. I LOVE the chunky thighs and those kissable cheeks!