Thursday, January 28, 2010

Aaron Crawling

Here is a little video of Aaron crawling. He is all over the place these days. He pulls himself up on everything he can and cruises along the couch. I have a feeling he will be walking by 10 months old if not sooner. He's got to keep up with the others.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Aaron is 7 Months Old!

Can't believe Aaron is 7 months old already...where has time gone? He is already starting to crawl around. If he wants something, he finds a way to get to it...whether on his hands and knees or army crawling it. He still only has 2 teeth, but I think more are getting ready to sprout through. He is such a good eater. He definitely loves his food. Last time I weighed his a week ago, he was at 19 lbs. He's about 3-4 lbs. heavier than Ethan was at this age. I LOVE the chunky thighs and those kissable cheeks!